This week we’re excited to release our first major enhancement to the camera system, as well as a trio of new platform libraries for Wearables. This is the first in a series of planned upgrades to the core components of Fluid UI. Watch out over the coming months for many more major boosts to your productivity.

  • Any screen, any size - Want to design apps for the latest wearable computing? SmartCam now optimizes your projects for a larger range of viewports and device sizes. From watches to wide screen monitors, from phones to phablets Fluid UI has you covered.
  • Fast, simpler navigation - Finding your way around your projects and pages has never been easier. Easily fly across your project’s Infinite Canvas, zoom out to see the whole project or focus to get up close and personal.
  • Flow with Fluid - Showcase your work to best effect. We made the camera smarter and zippier, removing the drudgery of managing it manually. Less time scrolling and fiddling with the view means more time designing… while being faster and more productive. It’s win/win!

SmartCamera is a free upgrade available now to all users.

Try them out now

New platform libraries available. The Internet of Things just got an Interface of Things. Fluid UI already offers more target platforms than our competitors - and with this weeks release we increase that lead. (Apple Watch library coming soon!)

Now you can design apps for three additional wearables platforms - Galaxy Gear 2, Android Wear and Pebble.

Fluid UI Wearables libraries:

  • Galaxy Gear 2
  • Android Wear
  • Pebble
  • Google Glass

These platform libraries are available now for a limited time only to all users.

Want to suggest additional libraries and platforms?