[Fixed] We fixed a bug where images were not showing in print view.
[Fixed] Uploading large images was causing the editor to freeze.
[Fixed] Images from the upload panel were not showing for some users.
[Fixed] Projects were crashing after making a lot of changes to pages and widgets.
[Fixed] Some large projects were not printing.
[Fixed] Some links were not working properly when a widget was cloned.
[Fixed] A user was having a problem with the widget menu. It stopped working after upgrading their account and trying to save a design pattern.
[Fixed] Some widgets were disappearing when a user zoomed into a page.
[Fixed] The shortcut - ctrl-d was causing an error and wasn’t duplicating widgets as it is supposed to.
[Fixed] The widget menu stopped responding when trying to add new segments to a segmented widget.
[Fixed] We fixed a loading issue in Firefox.